The idea of gratitude sounds simple. Just say thank you and appreciate what you have. But when I started a gratitude journaling practice, it didn't seem to change too much in my life. I didn't feel impacted by it. And so I quit. Maybe that sounds like you. While self-help gurus often push gratitude as a powerful cure, they often skip over the practical ...
Daily Gratitude Practice: 5 Ways to Experience a More Joyful Life
Most of us struggle to put things into perspective and be optimistic, especially when facing difficult times and setbacks. Practicing gratitude offers a solution. In this article, we'll cover how to start an effective daily gratitude practice including 3 traditional and 2 unique approaches to expressing gratitude. So, are you ready to experience more self-love, deepen ...
5 Best Bullet Journals to Organize Your Life
Starting a bullet journal can feel quite challenging. At least, that's how I felt when I first started. Besides learning everything you need to know about bullet journaling – and there's quite a lot – you want to pick the best bullet journal. But there are just so many dotted journals to choose from. So how do you choose the best bullet journal for your productivity ...
Bullet Journaling: 4 Effective Steps to Master the Art and Science
Stress is an epidemic in the modern world. And if you're like me, you want to find simple, structured, and easy tools to organize your life. Bullet journaling in such a tool. Bullet journals are 100% customizable. So they empower you to personalize your practice. And they enable you to keep all your planning, tracking, and journaling needs in one place. The ...
151 One-Line Daily Journaling Ideas and Prompts to Transform Yourself
Does the idea of a daily writing practice overwhelm you? Perhaps you've tried journaling as a beginner but struggled to stay consistent. If so, you're not alone. I've struggled many times with daily writing in the past. One of my critical mistakes was to keep adding more journaling ideas and prompts to my practice, without reflecting on their ...